May 2024 Monthly Collective Reading

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There is a running theme among these cards which is to take care of yourself. There is a deep need to ground your energy to facilitate more growth. I’m working on my garden right now and I can’t help but to see the connection between the growth of plants and that of people. I also just finished watching the Green Planet (which is absolutely stunning and amazing) which also stimulated some deeper insights in this reading. You see, when a plant needs to grow, it deepens its roots. Not only does this create more stability but it allows the plant to take in more nutrients and water. The deeper the roots, the more energy it can find. 

The same is true for you. More stability means you have a stronger foundation to do bigger things. A bigger savings account could mean dealing with a last minute hassle without stress or a chance to invest in a dream trip. Getting your business organized could mean saying yes to bigger projects or hiring a new employee could free up some of your time so that you can spend more time at home. Working on your body, whether by eating foods that make you feel good or moving your body or getting more sleep could mean you have more energy to take that class or work on building a social life. 

It's easy to feel like you don’t have time or energy or resources when you feel depleted. But most of the time, what you need is a shift of perspective and a willingness to heal yourself. These cards all speak to a new beginning as a result of spending the next month to right your ship. If you’re willing to do the work, then you can hit the ground running come June.

From Seasons of the Witch: Litha Oracle

Overall Energy: Sun Salutation

This card represents wellness and taking time for nourishing your body as a pathway for greater abundance, happiness and love. It may not seem like wellness has anything to do with your goals but that is not the case. Your body is the vessel that allows you to experience the world. You can’t experience wealth or a physical connection without a body to house your spirit. And if you are too tired or burnt out, you will find it challenging to enjoy the things money can afford you.

Taking care of your body is a spiritual act but that doesn’t mean you need to feed into unrealistic beauty standards. Being thin and being healthy are not the same things. Being busy and being productive are not the same things. Listen to the signs your body is giving you. If you feel the need to rest, then honor that. If you feel dehydrated, try to take in more water. If you feel like moving your body, then do that. It's not so much about hitting a weight loss goal. It's about feeling good in your body, however that shows up for you.

Earth (Physical Realm)

What practical steps can I take to enhance my financial stability and physical well-being this month? → Knight of Winter

This card guides you to make kindness and generosity a priority for building greater financial stability. You might be thinking, how can giving away money generate more abundance? It seems counterintuitive at first but to give money freely shows you are living from a place of abundance and trust that what is given will be replaced. Think of the phrase “you have to spend money to make money.” It's one thing to save money but hoarding it is something else entirely. It shows a feeling of scarcity or lack. A fear that your needs aren’t being met and that abundance is only available to you in a limited amount.

But by being generous, you are letting the universe know you have space to hold more. That you know you can give things away because more is on its way to you. Living from a place of abundance isn’t always easy and it may take time before you can see the results of your efforts. So don’t feel the pressure to give away your life savings. Small acts of kindness can add up to big gains. Buy someone’s coffee, donate a dollar or two to the kid selling candy outside of the store (even better if you don’t take the candy in return), or volunteer your time and support if material resources are not an option.

Air (Mental Realm)

How can I cultivate mental clarity and enhance my communication skills in my relationships this month? → The Lighthouse

This card is guiding you to a place of security and stability. The Lighthouse represents a safe haven after a long, hard journey at sea. You may have felt some tension or frustration in your relationships as of late or perhaps you’ve felt disconnected from your life? Maybe you’re lacking clarity about your goals or you just feel like you’ve been floating for a while? This card is confirmation that you’re nearly ashore and you should prepare to find yourself on more stable ground.

You can help this along by focusing on activities that ground your energy. Eat well, exercise, get out in the sunshine, spend time with people who bring you down to earth, make you laugh or just make you feel good. Just by restoring your own peace, you are making a pathway to restore the balance in your relationships. But you need to focus on yourself before you can worry about others.

Fire (Passion and Creativity)

What passions and creative pursuits should I focus on to bring excitement and fulfillment into my life this month? → La Lune

La Lune is guiding you to let go of control. This card represents the unknown. There is something making its way to you. It could be a gift, an opportunity, a visit for a friend or a combination of the three. Perhaps you’ve had a problem that needs a solution and you are trying too hard to find the answer. This is your confirmation that your needs and desires will be taken care of. The answer you’re seeking, the idea you’re trying to figure out or the message you’ve been waiting for will find you when the time is right. In the meantime, let yourself focus on something else. Allow yourself to create or to actually work on your hobbies. What you’re seeking will arrive when it's ready and not a moment before. There’s no reason to waste time and energy on something you can’t control.

Water (Emotional Realm)

What emotional patterns or challenges do I need to address, and how can I nurture my emotional well-being in the month ahead? → Six of Spring

This card wants you to take a risk. It suggests you have put limitations on yourself that are holding you back. Consider reviewing old projects or ideas or even relationships that were left unresolved. The month of May could be your chance to experience some significant growth or at the very least, some closure so that you can move forward to something meaningful and exciting. But playing it safe is going to create a lot of feelings of stagnation. There is more for you to accomplish than what you have allowed yourself to believe. Receiving this card is a sign that you’re ready for more so if you have an idea, act on it. That could include asking someone out, booking that solo trip, applying for a job you’re not sure you’re qualified for, or investing in a piece of equipment needed to start that weekend hobby. 

Spirit (Divine Guidance)

How can I strengthen my spiritual connection and receive divine guidance to navigate the month ahead with grace and wisdom? → Forget - Me - Not

May is a month of healing and growing. This is your month to face the baggage or the ways you’ve been stuck in the past, stuck in limitations or stuck in low self-esteem. Take some time in the early days to ask yourself, “what do I need to move forward?” Write down everything you can think of even if it's something silly and small like buying a pack of gum. Let whatever comes to mind be the answer without needing to change it and then act on it. Healing doesn’t happen by standing still. It happens when you embrace your ability to be in control of yourself, your feelings and your actions. This is a card of renewal and suggests new beginnings are already happening for you but could be so much more profound and effective by taking the reins and healing yourself.

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Decks used in this reading:

Seasons of the Witch: Litha Oracle
The Harmony Tarot


Love and Light Mantra Cards Review


The Harmony Tarot Review